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  1. You're not going to make sense of it. It was allowed to happen
  2. it's called comms....ask the question. I fear there's more to this story that we've not yet heard.
  3. Only if they're really bad and usually that would happen as it's being fixed. Those don't look that bad.
  4. why not just repair the wheels? My buddy does it all day err day.
  5. would they pay out more than farming? do you farm it or lease it out?
  6. electronic controlled is the only way to go! set that temp and walk away. Bluetooth is also awesome as i can quickly open the app to check grill temp, meat temps, and timers.
  7. I use one of the Masterbuilt 800 gravity charcoal smokers.
  8. mstrpth

    Wine & Spirits

    Crazy! i'll stick with my $30 bottle of rum
  9. mstrpth

    Wine & Spirits

    I hear they're coming out with a JD 14 yr
  10. I met a guy.. at Bonnaroo of all places, that was a Blackhawk mechanic at Fort Campbell. For a while he would send me pictures of the stuff he was working on. Was very interesting to see. Living in Clarksville, we have them fly over often. Here lately they've been big cargo planes. Those things rattle the house
  11. best i could tell, Tesla only covers their batteries to 120k miles or 8 years. I wonder if they'll ever extend that or if the replacement amount will drop. When that happens, i'll probably buy one just so i can nap halfway to work
  12. I get to watch these fly over every other day. Usually in pairs and LOW
  13. feels like there are plane issues every other day now.
  14. Some company brought 2 cybertrucks by work yesterday to show off. He told me that it's bad for the battery to stay charged more than 80% overnight. Said you should only charge above 80% if you're traveling and need the extra mileage. Also talked about charging while traveling. said it's not that long to wait and gives you time to look around and talk to people. thats about the last thing i want to do while traveling. I'm still not sold on that reason alone. Sounds like a GREAT place to get robbed.
  15. Vincennes Indiana. Was a 3hr drive from the house.
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