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Posts posted by Disney

  1. 4 hours ago, slim9916 said:

    We got the car running last year before my son was born in  Jan. 21. Still needs to have the tune dialed in but the car runs great and only has a minor power steering leak. Next up is the 5 lug swap. Does anyone have the capability or know a machine shop that will open up hub bores? Corvette hubs are 70.3 and factory v2 wheels are 66.9. Haven't decided on wheels yet but may still need to open up the hub bore based on lack of available wheels for 5x120/corvette hub bore. 

    I have the capability. Do you just need the bore opened up to 70.3mm? That should be a fairly straight forward job on the Bridgeport. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Ashley P said:

    If my house were NG water heat and stove, our current 7500 watt generator  would be fine for all other stuff.

    I have a 7500w that I use for our whole house. I installed an outlet (inlet?) on the outside wall next to the panel and when needed I just roll the ginny out and plug it in. I've not tried to run EVERYTHING, since I have two AC units, but it's fine to run all the important stuff. I have NG heat, water heater, and stove. 

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  3. Friend of mine has a whole home ginny. Runs on natural gas. It seems like he starts it occasionally, and it is very very quiet. I've not been around to see how well it works, but I does have all the automatic switching so if power goes, it fires and switches to it's control and when power is restored it switches back and shuts down. His house is about 4000sqft and 3 AC units. I think his ginny is like 20kW? Something like that. Not huge

  4. 3 hours ago, Kevin said:

    You will have to get a transmitter and receiver that do the telemetry in order to know lipo voltage in real time.  I know of no battery that would do that.  That checker I linked will beep at your set voltage.  

    Went ahead with the one you linked. Got another link about how to wire it up or will that be self explanatory once I have it in my mitts?


    Went flying again last night. Another successful outing. I did switch to intermediate mode for a bit to see what it would be like to have some more control. Immediately realized it doesn't return to center. I only flew a minute or so like that then returned to novice. Brought both girls out this time and let them "fly" it for a minute too. They loved it!

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  5. 53 minutes ago, Kevin said:

    That battery checker is much nicer than you really need.  I just use a cheapo like this.


    The battery you have is probably a good one.  Is it the new "Smart" technology?  I don't have any of those because I'm a cheapskate.  I usually buy my lipo batteries from Hobby King when they're on sale.  You can also buy them for reasonable prices on Ebay, Amazon, etc.

    Is there one that can be used while flying so it reports back to a transmitter?

  6. 17 minutes ago, Kevin said:

    Try not to get the lipo battery under 3.8 volts per cell.  Get a battery checker.  Also, store them at 3.8 volts per cell if you aren't going to use them for a couple weeks.

    This?: https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/xbc100-smart-lipo-battery-checker-and-servo-driver/SPMXBC100.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw3eeXBhD7ARIsAHjssr-oLrWlOG8lSKBvaEW7fsfMIKyDwyxOSe8d6Kb4OBN0bTC-ZFL9tksaAnk4EALw_wcB


    I feel like I should get a second battery to extend my fly time. IS there any preference on that, or just get the same that came with it? https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/11.1v-2200mah-3s-30c-smart-g2-lipo-battery-ic3/SPMX223S30.html



  7. Got the RC airplane all fixed up from it's maiden voyage. Went to a nearby soccer field/school to fly it. I think I got a good 20 minutes of flight time out of it on one charge. I did fly just a bit too long though as the battery died in air. Still able to land it safely though. I probably did at least 10 take offs and landings. Did some hand take offs as well. Had a great time and didn't break anything, so it was a resounding success. I want to fly it more on beginner mode before I try any of the more advanced settings. I need to get better with the controls and I think the plane needs some tuning on the servos. 


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  8. I wonder how they got the local PD to participate in this. From the report (where we don't have all the facts) it sounds like they did not have jurisdiction or even cause for all of this and now both the sheriff dept. and the local PD may end up paying out over this..

  9. IN a working system, the light should illuminate when key is on and engine off. If that don't happen, you know you have a problem. Then when engine starts and alternator is working, the light goes off. 

  10. On 7/8/2022 at 1:43 PM, Kevin said:

    Hickman County Model Aviators.  It is right behind the Bon Aqua, TN post office on highway 46.

    Went to Cane Ridge Park today. We got there as a couple of guys were leaving making us the only ones there. Now nobody will me drive this pig into the ground!

    Didn't mess around and went straight to it. Taxi'd out, WOT and off it went. Flew around for about 3 minutes and brought it back in for a buttery smooth landing. That was a huge success! We decided to take it back up. I let me 5yo fly it for a little bit and could quickly tell she wasn't ready to control 3 things at once. I flew it for another 2-3 minutes and brought it back around. The wind had picked up and the plane wasn't covering any ground and I couldn't get it back to the runway. WOT and nose down and it came back towards me. Then I guess I got down below the tree line or something? Anyways, WOT straight into the ground. That was awesome!!!!  But, the board that the battery and servos mounts to is broke. Guess I need a new fuselage? Either way, I had a great time and can't wait to get out and do it again.

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